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High Thoughts


Lantern ‘High Thoughts’ campaign

Advertising in weed is one of the toughest challenges you can have. So many vendors don’t want the liability of working with a cannabis brand and out-of-home vendors take that to the next level. Don’t say weed. Say cannabis. Don’t show imagery. Don’t show consumption. Don’t use sales language. The list goes on and on.

We had tried different tactics for communicating the Lantern service around Boston for a year and a half with minimal success. Instead of only pushing “free delivery” or other typical marketing tactics, my team and I came up with the idea for “High Thoughts”; a campaign that would crowd-source the thoughts you have after consuming and put them on trash cans around Boston. This proved to be a massive success and upon hearing I worked for Lantern, everyone responded with something like “Oh yeah, I’ve seen the trashcans around Boston!”

This was our first multi-channel campaign (social, email, OOH) a big shift in how we marketed the Lantern brand moving forward.

The goal: Crowd source responses to the “high thoughts” concept and put them on trash cans around Boston to increase brand awareness.

My role: Creative Director

Success criteria: Social media engagement, brand awareness